What is Respectable Reading?

"I depend on getting through another book before dinner, but there is really a good deal of respectable reading in your forty-eight pages."  ~ Jane Austen, Letter to Anna Leroy, 10 August 1814

This blog consists of simple commentary, thoughts, and occasional rants about texts. I define "text" more broadly than words on paper. A text is simply a medium for communication -- an object conveys meaning to a reader/viewer/listener/consumer. 

Common themes may include ...

1. Jane Austen and her endless brilliance, wisdom, and wicked wit. 

2. All things Supernatural, #becauseSPN (That either means something to you or it doesn't. No judgement.)

3. The Walking Dead -- brilliance in all categories

But especially the ladies! 


4. And other miscellaneous movies, pop-culture, and literature as they occur. 

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